Top 50 Birthday Wishes For Mothers 2020

 Top 50 Birthday Wishes For Mothers 2020

                                                              Content Writer:Jeet Makwe


"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie."    
                             - TENNEVA JORDAN

Here are the top 50 birthday wishes :

You are an angel to me, 

You are a precious gift by the god, 

When you stay with me fear goes away, 

May you be my side forever, that's what my heart says

Happy birthday, Mom. 

Port of call is far, and roads are long, 

Life is small, and it's full of worry, 

This world would have shattered me, 

But mother's blessings always saved me happiest birthday mother.

You are the fragrance, and I m the flower, 

You add the beauty in me, and the power, 

Happiest bday Mumma.

Millions of drops make an ocean, 

Many petals make a flower, 

But, a solo mother can make her child star. 

Happy birthday, Mumma. 

You induced the saplings of dreams. 

The dreams exist in my eyes. 

You have done a lot of sacrifices,

May you get the immortal life.

Happy birthday, Mom. 

Your love is my hope, 

Your love is my belief,

Your love is my world, 

My beloved mom, I wish you lots of good health and joy on your birthday

She is the sky,

I am the star. 

She is the garland, 

I am the flower. 

She is the mother,

And I m her part. 

Happy birthday, mom. 

Nature chose us to be together. 

The world seems paradise from your laps. 

My love for you is as beautiful as a feather. 

May we travel all over the world map.

Happy birthday, mom. 

You are my almighty, 

You are always by my side. 

Mom your presence cherish my hours as,

You are my pride.

Happy birthday, Mumma. 

Mother is  a phenomenal beauty created by God, 

As she has unconditional love with the purest soul.

Happy birthday, Mum. 

Mothers are the replication of god,

Spreading grace everywhere.

Happy birthday, Mom.


Ordinary people understand what I say,

And my mother feels what I don't say. 

That's the relationship we share. 

Mom, I m wishing you a happy birthday.

I believe in paradise, 

I believe in fairy.

I believe in superheroes, 

I believe in unicorns, 

Because I have got all this in my mom.

Happy birthday, mum.

I learned compassion,

I learned kindness. 

I learned affection, 

I learned happiness.

Mother, you are an institute to my moral values.

Happy birthday.


Happy birthday to my mom, the person who overlooked lots of precious moments in her life, so that I could have all of them in mine.

Happy birthday, Mom. I want you to know that whatever I am today is all because of you, and  I can be everything with you. Love you!

Every birthday memory I have, including you lighting the candles on my cake. Thank you for all that you have done, and I am looking forward to returning the favor this weekend. Happy birthday, mum.

Today is my precious's birthday. The person who is my guardian, my pal, a philosopher, and my savior, it's you, most precious Mom. Wishing you a very happy birthday mother.

A diamond is rare, but you are rarest. A goddess is fair, but you are fairest. An angel is pure, but you are purest. Most importantly, you are my loving mother, and I love you very much. Wishing you a happy birthday.

Mom, through the years I've watched you grow older and wiser. Even as the years go by, your love grows stronger and resolute. Happy birthday, Mum.

No literature can express the strength, beauty, and bravery of a mother's love. Happy birthday, Mum.

When I see mom, I am looking at the most real love I will ever know.

 Happy birthday, mother.

I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars. Happy birthday, Mumma.

 – E. M. Forster

I observed that, when I look at my mom, I am looking at the purest love I will ever know. Happy birthday, mother.

To describe my mom, would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect dynamism, Or the climbing, descending shades of a spectrum. Happy birthday, Mumma.

"Love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its mark … to have been loved so deeply .. will give us some protection forever." —J.K. Rowling

My mother is the only constant in my life. When I recall about my mother raising me solely, when she was 20, hustling, and paying the bills, and you know, trying to pursue her dreams, I believe it`s is an unmatched achievement. Happy birthday, mum.

if you were not my mom in this life, then I would be envious of whoever was your daughter. You’re awesome, Mom. Happy Birthday, Mom.

No matter what I become but deep down in my heart, you are the one I look up to, stay true to, and love the homecoming too. Happy birthday, mom.

The cherish days of my childhood have become my shadow. They follow me wherever I go, and I believe it won't stop being so. Happy birthday, mom.

If I can grow up to become even a part of what U are, I will consider my life fulfilled. Happy birthday, mom.

Dear Mom, You are the best mom in the world. Happy Birthday, mom.

Mom as the birthdays are passing by, U are becoming more beautiful. Happy birthday, mummy.

Mom, I feel so fortunate to have a mother like you. You are my best friend. Happy birthday sweet and kind mom

Mom happy birthday to you, I m only because of U. Happy Birthday Ammi.

we are connected As mothers and daughters. My mother is the sunshine of my life, keeping me delighted and true. She is my breath, making me rich and strong. She is the sound of my heart she is my life. Happy Birthday, mom.

Goddess is a mother that would give up 9 months and entire years of her life for her children’s existence and well beingness. Happy Birthday, mom.

I would say that my mother is the greatest inspiration in my life, but that term doesn’t seem to comprehend entirely when I use it about her. She is the love of my life. Happy Birthday, mom.

The sun is glad to shine brighter today. The moon would be happy to appear cooler tonight. The stars will keep rejoicing in the sky when they’re out. All because it's my mom’s bday.

U are the one I vowed to always protect, love, and care for, you are my mother and my shield, no harm shall ever come to you. Happy Birthday my mummy!

Having a mom is good but having a Mom like you is the best. You’re not just the best, you’re better than the best. You’re one in a kind and unique. Happy birthday to you mom.

U will always and eternally be the only human I will give my heart to. U are my source of life and nothing will ever alter that. Have a cheerful and happiest birthday my mom.            


 Dear mom, happy birthday to you and many returns of the day. May your grace continue to shine towards a happy life like it always did.

Happy Birthday, Mom! You are best, and I am blessed to have you as my mother. May you enjoy your special day.

 I exist because of you. Without your contribution, my life would be a barren field without saplings. I love you, mom. Happy birthday to you!

 Happy Birthday to a mother who’s the heart of my family. The best cook, the best wife the best mom, and the all-rounder personality. All the love in the universe for you

 Happy Birthday, coolest mom. I wish I can have a gala time with U. But this time I m far from you. But I want you to know that you’re loved a lot and in our relationship distance means nothing we are connected by hearts.

Happy Birthday to a mother who always is the ray of hope in every hard situation of life. You’re our super angel mom and irreplaceable. Love U from now till eternity.

Today is the day when I promise not to cause any of the trouble that I caused the rest of the year. Enjoy a peaceful and stress-free birthday since U never know what I might do tomorrow. Just joking. You’re mind-blowing! I’ll be good, I promise.

happiest birthday mom you are the chocolate chip in the cookies of my life.

This morning, I believe you enjoy the breeze fresh air full of bright sunshine and cherish the sound of chirping birds. May every morning of your life be as bright and special as the happiness you bring to our life. Happy birthday, Mom!

Mom, on this birthday I promise you to fulfill all of the dreams you have got in your eyes for me because the objective of my life is to keep you happy always and till eternity. Thanks, happy birthday.

                                           THANK YOU 


  1. Really good 😻😻... Loved it keep writing it

  2. Beautiful wishes.
    P.s - just like you πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Š

  3. Thanks allot all of you 😊

  4. Beautifully written QuotesπŸ’•πŸ’•

  5. Beautifully Written Jeet. More to goo .. all the best baby��

  6. Each quotesπŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘❤

  7. Each quote is beautifully written ❤️❤️
    Keep it up Jeet

  8. Great words and nice collection at one place

  9. When your girlfriend has a birthday coming up, it's hard to think of the perfect thing to get her. But what can you give to a woman who has everything? Best Romantic Birthday Wishes For Girlfriend can be a special gift to make her feel special.


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