About Us

Every day that passes by – brings a lot of exciting holidays and events to the table – and our website is your one-stop destination to celebrating all these festive holidays in a true celebratory spirit.
There are plenty of fun, national, public, food, and religious holidays that fall every year, and we celebrate All of them! From classic European holidays to the historic Asian festivals, we have got covered the most massive database of holidays that fall in the Seven Continents Of The World – informing you with all the famous calendar days falling in every state.
The categories of daily events we celebrate, can’t be expressed in words.  We celebrate all the interesting events that fall every 24 hours.
Renew your tree of liberty and charge your life with information on Independence & Republic Days, lead yourself to the path of God and Heaven with insight on Religious Holidays, foodies reward yourself with news on upcoming Food Deals & Holidays, experience jolly moments with an update on Crazy & Fun Days, and much more!
Here, we believe every day is unique. Every moment is delightful. Every minute is unique. Every 24 hours are incredibly amazing. 


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